The Apps
We’ll start launching 6 Moods Apps for smart phones and tablets in early 2012. Do leave your contact details and we’ll keep you posted. The three Apps in development right now are:
Contact Moods
A simple way to record and remind yourself of the Moods Signature of the people you interact with most regularly in life (e.g. your clients, your family, your team, your friends, etc), with an alert system to remind you of likely Uncomfortable mood flash points.
Moods Toning
A simple exercise App, to hone those Mood spotting skills. Very handy for spotting quickly the best way to present information to someone you’ve just met (i.e. a sales prospect, a first date, a new colleague, etc) for maximum impact.
Mood Tai Chi
An advanced set of exercises for those keen to improve one or more specific relationships with long-lasting potential for pain or gain (e.g. your lover, your kids, your boss, your key clients, etc). Take 15 minutes every so often, really think through the issues that create pain, and discover how to shift these towards gain.