F~ is the mood that wants to help.

It’s the mood you’ll probably experience at a well-organized wedding celebration, when everything’s been thought through with care, kindness and efficiency.

F~ is the Feeling Disposition at its most steady and pragmatic.

F~ is always looking for ways to help others, and loves to join in. It’s the social glue that makes families, companies and organisations feel caring.

It’s about giving, receiving and being Collaborative.

At its best, it’s thoughtful, respectful, courteous and kind.

At its worst, it’s passive, two-faced, unimaginative and martyred.

We all have an F~ on our Moods Palette and, depending how far to the left it sits in your  Moods Signature, you’ll either feel that this the ‘kindest’ way to go about things or really rather wet.

When you’re more Comfortable in F~ you’ll take a real pleasure in organizing things for other people, whether at work or at home. You’ll also have a natural warmth and friendliness about you that people will instinctively respond to.

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