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A reference guide for key 6 Moods terms:

  • Mood: one of the 6 essential emotional states or modes of behavior a person can be experiencing at any point in time

  • Moods Map: the backdrop against which multiple moods can be plotted (for an individual or a group, at a point in time or over time)

  • Current mood: the mood a person is in at a given point in time

  • Home mood: the mood a person spends most time in, would happily spend most of their life in, and feels truly themselves in

  • Comfortable mood(s): the moods in which a person finds themselves at ease – these include their Home mood, and typically two to four other moods

  • Uncomfortable mood(s): the one or more moods in which someone often feels ill at ease (whatever the reason: nature, nurture, or culture)

  • Moods Palette: the objective measure of a person’s ability to operate in each of the 6 moods

  • Moods Signature: a record of a person’s order of preference between the Moods, starting with their Home mood at the extreme left

  • BED Drivers: Buoyancy, Energy and Decision are the main underlying components that combine to create any mood

  • Buoyancy Driver: the Buoyancy Driver goes from sceptical to optimistic, and can be controlled by the mind

  • Energy Driver: the Energy driver goes from languid to energetic, and can be controlled by the body

  • Disposition Driver: the Disposition driver goes from analytical to emotional, and can be controlled by the ‘soul’

  • Homing Devices: techniques developed by someone to help them get back to their Home mood in a flash

  • Travelling Devices: techniques developed by someone to get them into any Comfortable mood at will

  • Building Devices: time-consuming activities designed and chosen to overcome someone’s Uncomfortable moods

  • Nudging Devices: minute and delicate adjustments of the BED Drivers, and advanced tools for moving to any Mood at will

Discover the other key elements of the 6 Moods model: Moods Profile, BED Drivers, Devices, FAQ, Glossary, Influences