Thank you for taking the ‘Home, Sweet Home’ test with 6 Moods. Based on your answers, we believe that your Home mood is F~ (Collaborate).

Positive characteristics of a F~ Home mood:

F~ is the Feeling Disposition at its most steady and pragmatic. F~ is always looking for ways to help others, and loves to join in. It’s the social glue that makes families, companies and organisations feel caring. It’s about giving, receiving and being Collaborative. At its best, it’s thoughtful, respectful, courteous and kind.

An F~ Home mood brings you a cooperative ability to help and serve others. F~ seeks and promotes harmony and endeavours to smooth over the troubles and problems of life with a caring word, a thoughtful deed and a winning smile. F~ is the mood of social protocol and family tradition.

As with all the neutrals, F~ can be a mixture of either energetic and sceptical or languid and optimistic, but always with the soft-hearted Feeling Disposition at its core. Deeply averse to conflict, the F~ mood can detect the slightest hint of potential disagreement in any situation and will do all it can to neutralize it.

Food for thought for F~ Homers:

Perhaps the most difficult area of personal development for an F~ Homer is dealing with conflict, both within and with others. Even a conflict that has nothing to do with them, like two strangers shouting in the street, is distressing for them. Because of this aversion they will often go to what others consider almost absurd lengths to avoid a confrontation, often making a situation much, much worse in the process.

Being more honest, both with themselves and with others, will bring great relief, but it’s extremely challenging to begin with. The first honest word they’ll need to learn is ‘No…’ and then they’ll have to learn to cope with the reaction that creates without freaking out. It may come as a slightly deflating surprise to them that not everyone is as bothered by their refusal as they were expecting. This puncturing of their halo of indispensability is the first step towards a broader idea of themselves, and a lessening of their guilt around their own needs.

Honesty and awareness of their own needs will also help to undercut the F~ Homer’s tendency to believe that in interpersonal relationships the end justifies the means, and teach them to become more transparent in their behaviour if they really want to avoid harsh judgements from others. This level of self-exposure is usually extraordinarily difficult for F~ Homers to tolerate. However, the prizes are worth it: more harmonious relationships with others, greater peace of mind and improved self-esteem.

We hope that you take those results in the way they are intended, i.e. possible avenues worth exploring. You can also find here more tests that will help.