Thank you for taking the ‘Home, Sweet Home’ test with 6 Moods. Based on your answers, we believe that your Home mood is F- (Comfort).

Positive characteristics of a F- Home mood:

F- is the Feeling Disposition at its most languid and sceptical. F- is the profoundly soulful mood of great art and is naturally attuned to the pain of others. It’s about giving, receiving and being Comforting. At its best, F- is gentle, empathetic, creative and soulful.

An F- Home mood brings you a sensitive, soulful and compassionate ability to relate to others. F- is the most profound expression of the Feeling Disposition and has an exquisite sensitivity to the woes and sadness of this world. Poetic, fatalistic and sceptical, it’s the mood of grief, unfulfilled longings and broken dreams.

If life is a continual process of letting go until the ultimate letting go at death, then F- is the mood that understands, acknowledges and processes such awareness. Deeply tolerant of human flaws, non-judgemental and passionately committed to fairness and integrity, F- is the most trusted of all moods.

Furthermore, with its unflinching appraisal of humanity’s dark side, it is rarely caught napping when the balloon goes up and is one of the very best moods at coping with a crisis.

Food for thought for F- Homers:

For an F- Homer, perhaps the first area for personal development is to accept that other ways of looking at the world (i.e. other moods) have legitimacy. In its role as the fount of all wisdom, F- can be hard pushed to see the validity in changing its attitude. However, being willing to entertain the possibility of change is vital.

The difficulty of this cannot be underestimated. F- Homers are positively allergic to initiating change, although paradoxically they are very good at dealing with it when it is thrust upon them. Harnessing their superb crisis mode, and learning to take pro-active risks (despite the sneering of their inner critic) is a big step.

This increased risk-taking can apply to all area of their lives: taking a holiday to a new destination, socializing with new people, eating a new form of cuisine, learning a new skill, etc. Sometimes it pays to start very small, like taking a new route to work or having a different breakfast, because even breaking a small routine can be deeply unpleasant for F- Homers.

We hope that you take those results in the way they are intended, i.e. possible avenues worth exploring. You can also find here more tests that will help.